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Beyond Cribs And Onesies – Three Things New Parents Really Need To Have

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The birth of a new baby is a super exciting time, and friends and family will gather with gifts to decorate the nursery and you can be sure that everyone will bring lots of presents to clothe and diaper the baby. These are wonderful traditions to welcome your newborn son or daughter, but there are a few necessities that you must provide for your child that are more important than darling outfits and adorable bedding. They are less glamorous but crucial to your child's future well-being.

You Should Visit a Lawyer and Draw-up a Will

It may seem morbid to contemplate your death with a brand new life just arriving, but you are responsible for that little being and you want to make sure he or she is protected. A lawyer (like those at Tessneer Law Office) can help you put everything in order when it comes to providing for the baby's future, including setting up trusts for living expenses, education and any other of life's expenses.

You Should Appoint Guardians

The lovely tradition of choosing godparents for your baby is a practice that goes back for centuries, but it is does not necessarily have official standing unless you have it legally appointed. You need to choose a guardian or guardians and specify in your will or other legal document who will look after your child in the event of both of your deaths. You may think your family will adhere to your wishes, but it does not always happen that way and a custody battle after your death could result with your child in the foster care system. As unpleasant as it is to think about this situation, it does happen.

You Should Get Life Insurance

If you don't already have a policy, you should start shopping around immediately. You need to make sure that your family is taken care of if anything should happen to you. Both mother and father should have policies so that the other parent is not placed in a dire financial situation should their partner pass. You should make sure that the policy is large enough to pay-off the mortgage and credit card debt, as well as provide education funds for your new child. There are many types of life insurance available (term insurance and whole insurance to name two), so your best bet is to look at your personal finances and your family requirements to determine the type that fits your situation the best.

Becoming a parent for the first time is a wondrous experience, but with the wonder comes incredible responsibility. Make sure the nursery is ready for the little one, but also ensure that your new baby's future is protected, both legally and financially. 
