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Everything You Need to Consider When Filing for Divorce

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Going through a divorce is a tough and emotional process. There are a lot of factors to consider when filing for a divorce that many people may not be aware of. If you're planning on filing for a divorce, it's important to understand the legal and logistical details involved. This will help make the process smoother and less stressful for all parties involved. Here are five key things you need to consider when filing for divorce.

The Decision

The first thing you need to consider when filing for divorce is whether or not it's the right decision for you and your family. Divorce is a major life-altering decision that affects everyone involved, including children. It's crucial to take time and thoroughly assess your marriage's problems and try to resolve them before making the final decision. Consider seeking couples counseling or therapy to work through issues. If you still feel like divorce is the best option, consult with an attorney.

Hiring an Attorney

One of the essential factors to consider when filing for divorce is whether to hire an attorney. A skilled family law or divorce attorney is an invaluable resource who can expertly navigate the legal process, safeguard your rights, and work toward a favorable resolution on your behalf. A divorce attorney will provide a clear understanding of your legal rights, help negotiate a settlement, and represent you in court if needed.

Child Custody and Support

If you and your spouse have children, child custody and support should be at the top of the list of concerns when filing for divorce. Deciding on a parenting plan and figuring out child custody is challenging and emotional. It's crucial to put the best interests of your children first and reach a parenting agreement that is fair and reasonable for both parties. A family law attorney can help you understand child custody laws and negotiate a fair parenting plan or child custody agreement.

Property and Asset Division

Dividing property and assets after a divorce can also be complicated, especially if it's been a long-term marriage or a high-net-worth divorce. Before filing the paperwork, obtain an inventory of all marital assets and debts to ensure an equitable distribution of property. In most states, marital property consists of anything acquired during the marriage. Having a family law attorney will ensure that property division is fair and equitable.

Debts and Liabilities

Debts and liabilities that were obtained during the marriage must also be divided equally or fairly, depending on your state's laws. This can include complex issues like shared debt, joint credit cards, mortgages, and debt from student loans or other financial agreements. A skilled family law attorney can provide invaluable assistance in comprehending your choices for dividing debt and skillfully negotiating a fair and equitable distribution of liabilities.

Divorce is an emotionally challenging process that involves a lot of legal and logistical details. Consider these factors to ensure the best outcome for both parties, especially if children are involved.

Contact a family law attorney near you to learn more. 
