Making Legal Information Accessible

3 Ways To Reduce Child Support Payments To Your Former Spouse

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Are you in the process of getting divorced and facing child support payments? Or are you making child support payments to a former spouse? Child support is an important part of the divorce process because the payments limit the possibility that children will be financially impacted. However, payment amounts aren’t always fair. If you’re the one making payments, you may feel like your payments are being used to fund your former spouse’s lifestyle rather than to support your children.…

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Tips To Keep In Mind If You Or Your Baby Suffered A Birth Injury

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A pregnancy should be a joyous time in a woman’s life, but your joy can quickly turn to sorrow if a birth injury occurs to either you or your baby during the birthing process. Whether your baby has been born with a birth defect that you believe could have been avoided or you are personally suffering due to someone’s negligence, you should know you have options available to you. It may be possible to receive financial compensation to help make you and your family whole again.…

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3 Steps For Filing A Slip And Fall Claim

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Everyone slips and falls at one point in time. However, if you have slipped, fallen, and injured yourself due to the fault of a person, place, or business, you deserve compensation for your physical and emotional distress. Although each case is different, navigating a slip and fall claim does not have to be overwhelming. This guide will teach you the most important steps to take if you want to file a claim.…

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