Making Legal Information Accessible

Shifting Definitions: Burden Of Proof Means Different Things At Different Times

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When it comes to a wrongful death lawsuit, it’s not enough to know the defendant caused the death of your loved one. You have to prove to the court’s satisfaction the defendant’s actions resulted in your loss. However, the burden of proof required often differs depending on which stage of the case you’re in. Here’s what you need to know about this issue to help you better prepare for your wrongful death lawsuit.…

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Identifying And Responding To Sexual Harassment Incidents

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Sexual harassment isn’t something that’s easy for employees to discuss. Unfortunately, this means that there are many incidents that aren’t ever reported. Sexual harassment isn’t something that only happens within specific industries. It can happen anywhere. So it’s extremely important that you know how to handle any sexual harassment issues before you’re faced with the problem or a lawsuit. Identify Potential Incidents It’s common for employees who are victims of sexual harassment to avoid the situation entirely.…

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First Things First: Divorce Or Bankruptcy?

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Couples facing either divorce or bankruptcy may feel overwhelmed, but if you are considering filing for both of these life-changing events at once you may need some help. You should know that the order does matter in most cases, and knowing how to proceed can save you a lot of time and stress in the future. Read on for a better understanding of how to proceed with these two major legal actions.…

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