Making Legal Information Accessible

Is It Time to Consider Filing for Bankruptcy? 3 Signs That Point to Yes

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It isn’t uncommon to come to a point in your life when you are consumed with debt. This may be a mortgage, car payment, and other living expenses that you simply can’t afford, or it may be medical bills, student loans, and credit card bills that just continue to pile up. Whatever the case may be, if you have found yourself in some sort of financial trouble, it is important that you realize it is possible to put your money woes behind you and move forward with a debt-free future.…

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3 Things You Need To Know When You Get Into A Car Accident

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Car accidents are so common. With the statistics the way they are it is likely that at some point in your life you will get in a car accident. This is why it is so important that you know what to do when you get in accident to protect yourself. Here are some things that you should know about getting in an accident. 1. Never Flee The Scene Even if you think it was just a mild fender bender you should never leave the scene or fail to stop.…

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When the Oil or Gas Company Comes Knocking: Understanding Your Mineral Rights and Options

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You don’t just own a piece of property—you own what’s underneath that property as well, and that includes the rights to any precious minerals that are there. Many property owners find themselves approached by companies that are interested in buying their mineral rights. Should you sell? What are the things that you should consider first? What are your options? You essentially have three different options when it comes to your mineral rights:…

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