In some states, you’re eligible to receive assistance for medical care only if your income is below a certain level. If you have income above this level, you might still need assistance. You might not have enough money to pay for medical expenses and your daily needs. If this is the case, you can divert your income to an income trust that takes charge of the funds and disperses them accordingly.…
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When it comes to child support arrangements, even the most well-though out plan may prove unfeasible over time, requiring a modification. Unpredictable life events such as sickness, loss of income or change in marital status of your spouse may affect their ability to pay you the agreed child support, at which point a modification may be needed.
A verbal agreement between the two parents is often best, as it saves money on legal fees and a drawn-out court battle, but if you can’t agree on new child support payments, you may have to hire a family law attorney to help you with a child support modification suit:…
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Car accidents are an everyday occurrence in the modern world, but their frequency does not mean that they are minor incidents. These events have the power to cause major property damage, substantial injuries or the loss of life. Not surprisingly, the legal system has well-established rule for addressing these grievances, but most people lack a sophisticated understanding of this process. Understanding the following answers to common questions will help you avoid some common errors that car accident victims may make.…
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