Making Legal Information Accessible

Common Reasons For Deportation After A Marriage

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Deportation is something that you want to avoid at all costs if you intend to return to the United States especially if you have married a US national. Once you have been deported from the US, you won’t be able to return for a long time. There are several common reasons for a deportation from the US after a marriage. Sham Marriages A common action that draws the attention of immigration authorities is a suspicious marriage.…

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What Are The Responsibilities Of Security Issuers?

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Many companies choose to issue securities as a way to raise money, reward employees and officers, and drive public interest. The act of issuing securities, however, comes with a number of legally-binding responsibilities. Before you issue securities, you’ll want to ask a corporate lawyer for guidance. Let’s take a look at three of the biggest responsibilities you will need to discuss. Financial Reporting When a company issues securities, it has to also submit reports.…

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Can You Sue if Your Baby Was Born with Undiagnosed Birth Defects?

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Having a baby is one of the happiest times in your life. The anticipation of bringing a new life into the world and the joy that comes from having your baby at home is unmatched for many people. What happens, if your baby was born with an undiagnosed birth defect? This could have serious consequences for your child and your family. It could also result in the baby’s death if the medical team did not know what to expect when the baby was born.…

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