Making Legal Information Accessible

When Data Streams Overfloweth: Why Every Business Needs A Strategy For The Internet Of Things

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The best way to describe the Internet of Things (IoT) is to say it’s the internet of everything transmitted online from objects, tools, apps and devices. Whether your trade is making gourmet chocolates or mining for minerals, the IoT allows you to receive real-time information on the barometric pressure, the price of cocoa beans and the current market conditions for industrial stones. As the IoT grows in importance and volume, you should be aware of the benefits and the risks involved in accessing and collecting the steady stream of data affecting your business and being created by it.…

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3 Reasons To Use A Trust In Your Estate Plan

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When you meet with an estate-planning attorney to construct your estate plan they will offer a will and a trust. Many people think that a will is enough, but you shouldn’t just get a will. Instead, a trust is probably the best way to organize your estate plan for a myriad of reasons. Here are some of the reasons you should use a trust with your estate plan. 1. Trusts Give You More Control…

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Four Things You Shouldn't Do Before Your Bankruptcy

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Bankruptcy proceedings can leave you with mixed feelings. On one hand, you will be free of some of the financial stress, while on the other hand your financial–and in some cases, your personal–life will be on display. To improve your chances of having the bankruptcy turn out as you want, there are some things you shouldn’t do in the time leading up to your court appearance. This guide can help you avoid these pitfalls.…

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